Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hey! Welcome to my blog! I'm Nicole, and I'm a junior at John F. Kennedy High School. This blog is part of my AP Language and Composition class.

I am involved in many musical ensembles at Kennedy. I started out on flute in sixth grade, added alto saxophone in ninth grade for jazz band, play in the frontline (pit) for marching band, and last year started oboe in concert band and symphonic orchestra.

Additionally I play both alto sax and flute in my church's worship team and am studying AP Music Theory.

My hope for this blog (besides earning credit in AP Lang) is to share experiences, knowledge, and spread general excitement about music, because, WITHOUT MUSIC, LIFE WOULD B FLAT!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was. in marching band, lo, those many decades will be fun to read your posts on it
