Sunday, December 2, 2012

" An Interesting Marching Band Story"

This made me laugh so hard!!! I wouldn't condone this at all, but this would have been hilarious to watch.

" An Interesting Marching Band Story"

Back in the day, our band was the party-central of the school.

So one time it was raining, and we were certain the half-time show was going to be we started partying (drinking) early.

Only it wasn't canceled and we were told the show would go on.

We mostly got away with it - except for a few tiny problems...

At the most dramatic point, we were in an arc facing away from the audience, and right after the solo we were supposed to slowly turn around, and break the formation and run up to the sidelines and assume a straight line. You know the routine, you sight in off the shoulder beside you to make the line even....

But during the solo (a long one)...most of us inebriated ones forgot where in the routine we were, so about 8 of us didn't turn around....and we didn't run up to the sidelines either....there we were....8 random guys just standing with our backs to the audience.....and ever so slowly it dawned on us one by one that something was wrong.

So we tried to run up to the sidelines and join the line, but it was closed up and in trying to get in line, some of us fell down and/or knocked some of the others down. Didn't matter anyway, because by then the line was quick-timing it back into a rotating pinwheel...but we were falling down in the rain and then we tried to run back and join the pinwheel, but ended up knocking more people down - because that pinwheel was moving, and we were way out of our usual we ran down the field this point the tuba player fell down and broke the bell off the tuba, and he just sat there...holding the pieces.

By now the band was more interested in laughing at us than playing so the song started to fall apart. And the audience was laughing loud enough we could hear them from the field. Our drum majors were frantically running around grabbing us and pointing at where we were supposed to be. And you know what happens when the drum majors stop marking time....

Finally, there was one point where we all stood still and most of us had just enough time to get into the correct place - and play the last 4 bars to end the show.

That little disaster resulted in some serious trouble when we got back.

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