Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pit Quotes 2012

Band kids say the darnedest things*, so this year I decided to try to record all of the funny things we've said of done in the pit. Here they are:

"this is why we need lube" ~Lauren and Nicole 8/6 ( trying to pull apart a difficult cymbal stand)

" 1,2 ready, 6" ~Lauren 8/8 ( our beloved senior section leader trying to count us off in 6/8 time)

"oh, there's my nut!" ~Josh 8/8 ( finding the nut he dropped while assembling the new bass drum rack)

"I want to be a percussionist, they get to bang on things, really hard!!!!!" ~tenor sax player 8/9 ( a tenor sax friend just came up to us and said this, and then realized what she said)

"it's not the mallets, you dingus!!"
" you make me feel so good about myself, Bailey!!"~Lauren and Bailey, (m. 122-167 of opener) 8/27 ( our section leaders discussing a difficult part that features the pit and complicate, staggered entrances. Lauren was having trouble with her part and was complaining about her mallets)

I GOT THE RUNS!!!!!~ Allyson ( our 8th grader that got put on a marimba for a song with a difficult running sixteenth note line at 160 and was practicing before a football game. She finally was able to play it completely right at speed, and proceeded to proclaim this very loudly in full earshot on the incoming crowd at the ticket office. The pit nearly peed themselves laughing.)

Palm tree in 6/8 ( our interpretive dance to keep time during long rests for the opener. It was created in pit sectionals and we would perform while bored when the rest of the band was marching.)

"Stop seducing the bass drum, Josh!!!"~ Lauren ( section leader reprimanding a freshman pit member for suggestively stroking he bass drum to distract her while practicing her part.)

"don't hate: tolerate,, agragate? "
"agragate? Only in Iowa"~ Lauren and Nicole ( Lauren trying to rap)

"Yeah, shove that in there!" (Frequently exclaimed while trying to fit hat racks, percussion, big instruments and uniforms into a densely packed trailer)

*more forthcoming

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget "put your balls on the line!" (said by the clarinet section to her new marchers. This was the first instruction that she gave to her section too.)
